Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome to the World Little One. It's been Waiting for You.

Gavin McColley Flinders made his debut on February 19th, 3:33 am. He was born one month early but is healthy and was able to come home the next day. He looks almost exactly like Hayden did as a baby...literally the blondest hair you have ever seen on a newborn! He is such a good baby, and we are enjoying every minute with him!
(forgive the amount of pictures! I couldn't narrow it down!)


Sarah said...

Awwwwww!! Congratulations! He's so beautiful - he'll fit in great with the rest of you!! I can't believe his blonde hair! I LOVELOVE the name Gavin...I was going to name my next boy Gavin! But I think I'm done! I loved the pictures of the kiddos holding him! soooo sweet.

Kawa Rangers said...

I think he isso dang cute!! I'm glad he is finally here and healthy.

Mandy said...

Love those pictures when the binkie is as big as their head! Cute pictures, and tell Tory I love his new blankie!

Rachel and Steve said...

Mad- I just cannot get over how fair he is! Cannot wait to see him and munch on him!

Andrea said...

I finally got to see what he looks like awake - even more like Hayden! Very cute, he is!