Saturday, September 26, 2009

It MUST run in the Family...

Honestly, we've always sort of wondered where Hayden came from. He just doesn't look like us. Neither Tory or myself have ever had blonde hair. Tory's eyes are brown-green, mine are green. He doesn't have either of our face shapes. Or noses, or even body types. We think he just received a compilation of all of our recessive genes and is one of a kind. I mean, for two people as dark as we are to have a child as fair as Hayden, it's got to be a fluke, right?
Well, at least that's what we used to think. Before Gavin came along. It seems these genes aren't so recessive afterall. Our blonde, blue-eyed boys could be twins. Two boys that look just like each other and very little like us...We're left to deduce that it MUST run in the family!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Birthday Girl...belated!

This blog is long overdue! Miss Bella turned three July 16th! How I love this spunky, silly, sweet, full-of-life little girl. She has a passion for princesses, Strawberry Shortcake, batman legos, and blocks. She loves to dance and sing...and can't wait till she can play soccer and baseball. She adds some much needed femininity to our family but can hold her own with the boys. Her zest for life is contagious and we are so blessed to have her! We Love you, Baby Girl!