Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sweet Greyson!

January 6th, 2002...our little Greyson was born 1lb. 10oz., 12 inches long

Thank you for inspiring me to be a better mother, a better wife, a better disciple. We love you and miss you everyday. Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!


Mandy said...

Thanks for sharing Greyson with us!

cmontroy said...

Oh you are breaking my heart! What beautiful pictures, of your sweet angel. I remember it so well. Thanks for inspiring me to be better, and showing me how to handle loss with such grace, and full of faith. You and Tori are such examples to us and we treasure that time we had to be around you and feel of your greatness. Love you guys!

The Geyer Family said...

I think of Greyson often... and when I do I'm grateful for the time we had with him. His body was so tiny, but his presence was enormous. He gave each of us somthing wonderful just being able to spend time with him. Thanks so much for allowing us to be part of his earthly life. We love you! The Geyers

Sarah said...

What a sweet boy! I admire you, Madeline! You are an amazing mother! All your children are so lucky to have a mama like you!