Thursday, March 12, 2009

The First Three Weeks...

Yesterday was Gavin's three week Birthday. Looking back, these three weeks have differed greatly from Hayden's first three weeks. I spent hours rocking Hayden; I interacted, entertained and doted on him. I took long naps with him and just stared at him for long periods of time. I made great meals for Tory and was still determined to breast feed Hayden. I guess that's what happens when you are the first. Poor Gavin, in comparison, is getting the shaft. In his first three weeks, we have been to the Instacare twice (once for Hayden, once for Benson...well, technically three times for Benson, if you count the stitches check and again to have them removed). One black eye (Isabella), Hammers, concrete saws and people climbing in and out of my basement windows as they finish our basement (which produces an amazing amount of dust and noise). One unidentified object in the road resulting in one flat tire. Three speech classes (Benson), six tutoring classes (Hayden), One dentist appt. (Tory), Cleaning throw up...and poop off the floor (Isabella), potty training Isabella...and then giving up on potty training Isabella. I gave up Breast feeding on day three and gave up pumping after one week. I have taken a total of two naps since coming home from the hospital, and I have shaved my legs once (I know, too much information). I have done 863 loads of laundry and actually fixed Spaghettios for dinner one night. As a result, Little Gavin, spends an unfair amount of time in his swing, bouncy chair, carseat etc. I can't run every time he fusses (which is rarely) and he is a formula fed baby! Yes, I do feel guilty about all of this, but I guess that's what happens when you're number four! My sweet little boy takes this all in stride and seems to actually enjoy the chaos that surrounds him. I am completely smitten by Gavin and wish I could just love on him 24 hours a day, but since that's impossible, I'll take whatever time I can get! Here's to Gavin's delightful, crazy-busy, and full of love, first three weeks, and hope he's no worse for the wear!


theferrisoneofall said...

Sweet Madeline! Sounds busy. You are always so positive in the chaos little ones bring! Take care, but do get a nap if you can!

Amy said...

No guilt needed! You're smitten with him and adore the rest of your children as well...any child would be lucky to have you as a mommy. :)

Mandy said...

We love Gavin and need to spend more time loving on him too!!

Mary said...

He's so cute! I hope you're story isn't how it is with #3 too!!