Monday, May 3, 2010

Benson Turns Five!

Benson turned 5, April 7th. Apparently, this is a milestone Birthday for him. "Because I'm five now", follows much of what he says. For instance:
"I didn't throw a fit over the snack, because I'm five now."
"You don't have to tell me where to put my clean clothes, because I'm five now."
"Did you ask me to say the prayer because I'm five now?"
He is such a sweet, easy-going little guy. When we asked him what he wanted for his Birthday he said he wanted a suprise. When we asked where he wanted to go for his Birthday dinner, he said he wanted to take sandwiches to the park.
Benson at 5: He can do math word problems in his head.
He's in Speech Therapy and making steady progress.
He's far more interested in collecting treasures (nails, rocks, etc.) than playing with toys.
He is dangerously fast on his scooter.
He loves hiking and being outdoors.
He loves sports and is excited to start soccer this year.
He's mischevious and very quiet...a scary combination.
He's super cute and super sweet and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this kid!


Mandy said...

Happy Birthday Benson!!

Lucky Larson's said...

totally cute kid!

Leisa said...

hey! I actually found your blog, haha.

Abby's thing is "...cause I'm a big girl".