School has officially begun! Hayden started second grade last Wednesday, Isabella started Preschool last Thursday and Benson started Kindergarten today. It's funny how differently my children reacted to their approaching start day. Hayden was full of trepidation, asking questions and expressing concerns and worries. Benson ( as he does with everything) took a "sure, I'm game" approach, neither getting overly excited nor overly concerned. Bella asked for two weeks prior if today was the day and would cry when I told her "not yet...". She literally could not wait!
Ironically, my reaction to their first days was similar. I cried at Hayden's (I was so worried for him), barely had a second thought about Benson's (except to notice that he didn't even look back at me as he went inside and to hope that I don't find any stolen treasures in his pockets when he gets home), and I was super excited for Bella (She's a natural born learner and she's been waiting for this her whole life, it seems.) I love seeing my kids learn, and grow, and develop but I'm going to miss them while they're away!