It's official, I am a serious Karate Mom. Hayden has become deeply intrenched in the world of Martial Arts and because I am his number one fan, so have I. I LOVE his school, Jaguar Sport Karate (they emphasize TaeKwonDo but teach mixed arts) and his instructor, Lee Barnard. He teaches TaeKwonDo like a sport, therefore they can't test for belts until they are seven, and he doesn't hand out belts very's tougher than any other school I've seen. Now that Hayden is seven, he'll be testing for his yellow belt on the 17th. Anyway, Hayden is part of the competition performance team, in addition to his normal classes. A couple of Fridays ago, Hayden's team performed at the Utah Flash Half-Time show. They rehearsed for months and did a great job! We were so proud of Hayden. He didn't seem nervous and he never missed a beat. Afterwards, he came up and said "That was so much fun! Can we do it again?" This was huge coming from Hayden, considering the size of the crowd and his anxiety issues. Here's some pictures of the event...We have a video, but have yet to find the USB cable to upload it so the video will have to wait.
Beginning of the routine.
Hayden is on your far right. They had the little guys do their own little part.